Tuesday, September 13, 2011

B-25 Engines & Propellers

This morning the engines got finished as well as the proplellers, though I'll probably end up adding more details inside the engine cowl.

Not sure which part to do next. I guess either the belly/top gun turrets or start working on the nose/tail turrets.

Monday, September 12, 2011

B-25 Wings & Engines

Today I was working on getting the base shape of the engines done and getting it to smooth out with the wings. Also cut out the ailerons & flaps. Most of the work was all the cutting/bridging/chamfering to try and get the engine to smooth out to the shape of the wings and not appear as an entirely separate component. I realized I'm still operating in low-poly mode for some reason... sort of hesitant to use cylinders with more than 18 or so sides. I'll just TurboSmooth it at the end and add more details I guess.

Friday, September 9, 2011

B-25B Mitchell Started

Started on the B-25 yesterday, modeled in the rear elevators, rudder, and trim. Next up, either the engines or the elevators on the wings, not sure which order yet. Had some trouble getting some smoothing to work where the tail connects to the rudder (not shown in this picture), took a while to get it right.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Textured Artifact, Portfolio Start

Finished texturing and setting up the glow map for the Artifact today, came out pretty awesome! I might end up trying to add the portal above it also, not sure yet.
I found this great free model of the Chief also. Currently trying to figure out how to refine vertex assignments in the 3ds Max biped system so I can animate it without some vertices stretching out improperly.

Also I figured I should start working on / organizing a small portfolio of sorts, in case I want to try and join a mod or indie team sometime for some more practice. Most of the stuff I have done is scattered in multiple places. Started working on a list of things to model and texture, including refining a few things I've already done:

  • AIM-54 Phoenix dolley
  • Mk82 bomb racks
  • Military laptop & radio
  • B-25 Mitchell
  • Some stylized melee weapon, like a sword, axe or hammer
  • A scene of an alley with a bunch of dirty props
  • A scene of some fictional setting, perhaps medical labs or a dock
And eventually... I'm going to have to model try modeling a character and some organic stuff. Don't know why I'm hesitant to do so, probably just because I haven't before. I'll stick to getting some of these hard-surface models done first.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Halo - The Artifact

Decided I'd do the Ark Portal (The Artifact) first as it would be the easiest in terms of modeling and would let me play with terrain sculpting in CE3 some more. Not being able to use a brush greater than 200m wide sucks when you're working with a 8x8km map. My "Artifact" is about 4.8 km in diameter... the "real" thing is 120km wide, supposedly. I think the scale looks pretty decent in-game. The only unfortunate bit of this... is that I don't think I'll be able to put in a glow effect for the molten rock on the edges of the artifact, where it should have been recently "glassed" by the Covenant. Because first, the Terrain.layer material type does not support emissive glows, and the material type that does support it seems to fade from view rather quickly when painted onto terrain (thankfully it seems it'll still work for the artifact, given its size).

What I've got so far, untextured artifact and mostly done terrain (will have to add some overhanging cliff ledges here and there). Will also end up having to model and texture the Forerunner Dreadnought.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Beach Scene Fixed Up, Starting on Simple Environment

I played around with Time of Day settings a bit and more importantly now understand how the terrain texture layers work in CryENGINE 3. Was a little strange to me at first but now it makes sense. I tidied up the texture color and made it seamless, and scaled down the tiling as well for more detail. Also played with darkening the texture under the water instead of just painting it blue, def looks better. Here's 2 different versions:

Also, after watching 4 episodes of Halo: Legends last night, I've developed an interest it perhaps trying to make a few environments from the Halo universe in the engine as well, simply for rendering/artwork purposes. I think I'll do an interior first... probably the Control Room of Installation 04. Then try an outdoor scene.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Safe Textures Finished

So I got the textures done. Learned a few tricks doing this, though I'll have to learn to refine those tricks for use in game assets probably. First off, before this I'd only ever had normal/bump maps baked from a higher-poly model. This uses both a bake from a higher-poly safe, as well as a hand-crafted normal map texture for the paint chipping areas and such. The specular mapping wasn't too bad, though I had to contrast the image to some extremes and up the specular levels in max a little for it to really show. Still, came out fairly well. Not only that but this may be the most work I've ever done on a diffuse texture, starting off with baking and adding ambient occlusion onto the uv layout. I also ended up downloading a bunch of new brushes for GIMP to use, got tired of using a simple "dot" brush to make scratch effects. I'm happy with the way this came out in the end.

Top to bottom:
-Normal Map
-Normal + Specular
-Normal + Specular + Diffuse

Thank god I didn't know how to add specular maps or detail bump maps like this when I was making the Nimitz... I think I'd still be working on textures. What to do now? Hmmm...

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Texture practice and CryENGINE 3

I recently downloaded the CryENGINE 3 SDK to toy with and attempt to learn, which is what Crytek used to develop Crysis 2 with. Needless to say, it's very powerful and in my opinion a little more towards the bleeding edge than the Unreal Engine. Played around with terrain sculpting some, used voxels to make a small cave, but was mostly interested in trying to get my own assets incorporated. So for a test and to learn how to do it, I made a beach chair, umbrella, and cooler to import into the engine and make a scene with. Below is the result of that effort:

The terrain texture could use some work but I kinda rushed that with some basic sand I found, haven't really played with tweaking terrain textures yet, just know how to apply them. The color under the surface of the water is a bit of an abrupt change as well. One thing that would really improve this is if I new how to make specular maps for the chair and umbrella, like having highlights on the frame and such. I realized I needed more practice with textures, specifically specular maps and overall just adding detail to diffuse maps. Because of that, I started working on some simple model of a safe:
It's still WIP and I'll definitely post when finished. Right now it only has a mostly-completed diffuse and bump map. It's nothing more than a 6-sided cube (granted, chamfered edges) with some hinges and a knob modeled on.