Friday, April 5, 2013

Busy Busy Busy

So, as a lack of posts for the last 3 weeks may have indicated, I'm taking a good break from NavTac because I just don't have time to be doing all the art and programming for it. I've actually decided to try and find a programmer to help finish it and that way I can focus on the art, along with having enough time for all the other things I'm doing.

Yesterday I caught up with class work and submitted the first versions of my portfolio site and demo reel, which are at right now, though I may change the url to just be my name. Over the next 2 weeks I'll be refining both the site, the reel, and working on some new animations - including what will be my first attempt at making an animation for the 11 Second Club monthly competition. To add to the list, I finally have time to and will resume working on animal animations for the game I've been helping out with, Elyot and the Island of Pongo.

That's all for now. Since I'm not writing near-daily or weekly logs for NavTac currently, my next post will hopefully include some new animation.