Friday, March 1, 2013

NavTac - Log #7

So it's been like 2 weeks since I've really touched the game. Took some time to get myself back into animating, since I'm now into my last class at school - Animation Project. I'll be working with some other students who have been following either the modeling, lighting & rendering, or other course-lines to put a full short together. Looks like it's going to be a robot character with a montage of gags at the least, thinking it will be pretty fun!

Anyway, been doing a little bit with NavTac two days ago and right now. I've added target snapping, so ordering an attack/etc order is more reliable (sometimes you cant always see if your finger is over an enemy unit or beside it). Also played with creating Layer Masks to selectively ignore some layers from returning hits from Raycasts - which helped smooth out dragging the path marker around as well as issues with it hitting terrain.

In other news, been playing with Vectrosity a bit, liking it so far. Currently waiting on what seems to be a bug to be resolved so I can get more into it. Also picked up Killer Waves for $15 on the asset store two days ago - something I hope will help me implement a sort of wave-based survival mode later on. I also bought Dynamic Navigation for $25 a few weeks ago, but have yet to try it. I think I'll be getting into that soon though, as I'm running out of things to do/polish with path-based navigation and input. So I think trying my hand at AI and AI navigation will be next. Hopefully the navigation, with this asset, will be pretty easy - but I'm guessing figuring out AI and getting that to work properly will be... not so.

Late Update:
Toyed some more, decided I'd figure out how I'm going to work terrains the way I want them to, and turned out easier than I thought. I'll be sculpting the terrains mostly in Unity to get the right size down... then exporting to 3ds Max to optimize the triangle count and tweak as needed, as well as uv-map it and cut it up into sections. Each section is going to have its own control point, and when captured, I'll use the same shaders I have on the boats to show the new owner's influence expanding outwards from the point.

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